These sweatpants.
He goes, "They're pink."
My Valentine's Day present came early this year. In the form of sweatpants. These sweatpants. I go, "Um. I don't understand...the sweatpants." He goes, "They're pink." Fuck. Me.* *Statement not addressed to He.
Some psychotic woman escaped from a mental hospital this morning, busted open my office door, and said to me, while pointing her finger, “You’re unfriendly, and cold. I know this because I’m a friendly and open person.” I said back, “I’m the friendliest effing person you’ve ever met.” JAY KAY! She wasn’t just “some psychotic woman.” She’s one of the professors I work for. JK #2: Being the unfriendly and cold person that I am, what I actually said, was, “Would you like to schedule a time to discuss this?” This post is about Tactless Bitch, also |
August 2020