Research shows it leads to sporadic episodes of lung (def originally typed "lunch") cancer.*
This is important sociological observation of the COVID times. That - and showering during lunch break for 9-to-5-commuting-office-workers-who-have-converted-to-9-to-5-work-from-home-office-workers as our only mid-day work break. This is made apparent when I attend zoom meetings with my hair in a ponytail in the morning, and then in a damp, wavy (I got a wavy/mildy-curly perm about a year ago) 'do in the afternoon.
I'll share more about other things going on that are probably more worth sharing than zoom meetings, but for now - Earlier, one of my woman office team members acute-angled her laptop screen for a few minutes while she took care of who-knows-what behind (?) her laptop during our weekly team zoom meeting. The camera showed only her bare legs and crotch area. She dressed the way we all do when we work from home: button-down collared shirt on top and underwear on the bottom. Except, we all know not to move our screen/camera when we are pantsless.
Does it mean anything that 5 of the 7 team members that are women did not say anything at all? The only person that alerted the demonstrated-pantsless-worker was a man team member.
I, personally, am not a big fan of that particular demonstrated-pantsless-worker in a general sense, so I have a reason for not quickly (or at all) helping her out. What about the others though? If they presumably don't have a problem with her, what's their excuse?
Right? I mean, self-hating gender much?
*Obv not proven in any peer-reviewed (or human-or-logic) reviewed way.**
**I know. Way too many hyphens.***
***Have to fill in the holes in my life somehow.